We help you figure
out how to use AI
Spark AI Innovation Lab was built for you, the Fortune 5,000,000. We are empowering small businesses and non-profits with AI, regardless of your technical skills.
How we help
Spark is your AI innovation lab. Our process is grounded in design theory, enabling us to quickly identify and develop innovative solutions tailored to your unique challenges. By leveraging these principles, we streamline the path from problem identification to actionable insights, ensuring a swift and effective response to your needs.
What we do
We have created a powerful solution using custom built AI tools to help you clarify the problems you are having and create a plan for tackling them.
We’re your innovation lab. We can quickly conduct experiments to test out ideas and find what works for you. Saving you time and money in the long run.
Once we know what works, we can build out the final solution. Our team of designers, content creators and developers will build out your solution.
Return. On. Investment.
Our goal is to create a return on investment that will allow you to think more creatively, save time, tackle harder problems, or just go home earlier.